Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Morocco and Example to North Africa and the Middle East

Ms. Rubin joins others in emphasizing the difference between Morocco's King, who focuses on the citizens of his country, verses Libya's Dictator, who focuses on the deaths of his citizens. This difference isn't new, but part of Morocco's heritage.

Two choices in the Middle East: Libya and Morocco
"You’d be hard pressed to find a greater contrast last week in the Middle East than Libya and Morocco. While the bloodbath continued in Libya, Morocco was a completely different story. Libyans were fighting for their lives; Moroccans were listening to an unusual speech:
Morocco’s King Mohammed VI promised sweeping constitutional reforms, including real powers for a popularly elected prime minister instead of a royal appointee, as well as a free judiciary."

Honorary Consul for the Kingdom of Morocco in Utah

On March 5, 2011, I received my State Department Card noting that my appointment by the Kingdom of Morocco as the Honorary Consul in the State of Utah is recognized. I look forward to working with businesses and associations in Utah to increase trade between Utah and Morocco and to increase the recognition of Morocco, with its history and culture in my State.